Monday, October 5, 2009

Maintaining Water Softener System in your Home by Per Strandberg

Water is considered hard if it contains high content of calcium and magnesium ions. Water Softener is equipment that is used to decrease hardness of water. Water Softener can do this by removing calcium and magnesium ions from your running tap water used in your house.

Water Softeners need proper maintenance and intermittent refilling of salt. There are many different ways to maintain a water softener. A good water softener system will prolong the life of the softener equipment.

All of the water softeners work fundamentally and basically in similar ways. The inward bound water goes into the softener tank then it passes through an ion exchange resin tank. The resin inside the tank traps all the magnesium and calcium ions and this will generate lime balance. Then the water leaves the softener to penetrate the water system in your home.

The softener equipment usually contain an automatic timer regulator system that will regularly clean and stimulate the resin. This process is completed by diverting salt water through the resin. The resin will exchange ions with the magnesium and calcium ions and this permit the minerals to be removed. The residue of the brine along with the calcium and magnesium salts will be flushed behind the drainage.

In many parts of the world the local water supply contains high amounts of impurities that can affect the softener if the water softener is left unprocessed. Iron, dust, sediments and organic materials might not be completely removed by the salt restoration system. With this phenomenon, older resin beds may begin to undergo iron tainting. There are many available products in the store that can be added to your water softener and will resolve these problems. "Rust Out" and "Softener Mate" are some of the products on the marketplace and could be used once a year. You can also use these products if you want to keep your water softener utility in excellent condition.

Keep away from using ordinary rock salt in your water softener even though these products are cheap. Over a long period of time, a large quantity of sediments may increase in the salt water tank and this residue can clog up the softener. This will lead to costly repairs. You can clean the salt water tank once a year. You must clean and remove all sediments and pure salt inside the brine. Add extra salt only when the salt contents in the brine tank are all gone. You can only fill up the tank up to 2/3 full to keep away from problems with sedimentation.

You have to maintain the salt water tank by washing out the used up salts and by adding more salts in the brine. Consequently, maintenance and preservation options for the water softener have to work well. Annual system maintenance will help the softener to be in good and effective form for long time. Water softening systems for your home are costly. If you want to install water softener in your home then you must look for good quality from trustworthy suppliers with a good service guarantee.

About the Author

Per Strandberg gives you water softener reviews on his website about tips on how to lower the hardness of the water in your house. Visit his web site at for more information.

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